"Aarauer Schrecken" (Aarau Horror)
in the anthology "Aarau Short Stories
Herausgeber Verlag
"Aarauer Mordsnachbarn" (Murderous neighbourhood in Aarau)
in "Mordsschweiz "
Thrillers for the Swiss Thriller Festival 2021
Editors: Barbara Saladin & Paul Ott
Gmeiner Verlag
Published on 4 August 2021
Book info:
Swiss authors have written 25 short stories about a fictitious death, a murder about a faked death, a murder conspiracy or a lonely executioner. The darker sides of the country come out in a Tour de Suisse from the Valais to the Bernese Oberland, from the region of Basel and the Swiss Midlands to the Engadine and Ticino.
Short Stories for photos series of the photo gallery Fine Art Photography
for serie "TIKITU - Rainforest": "At the end of the world" ("Am Ende der Welt")
Short Stories for photos series of the photo gallery Fine Art Photography
for serie Brouillard: "In The Fog" ("Im Nebel")
for serie Abandoned (Verlassen): "Abandoned" ("Verlassen")
Gute Reise (Safe Travels):
In the anthology "An der Sonne"
Short stories about traveling
Editor: Fatima Vidal
ISBN 978-3-9524532-7-8
Stories about travel with surprises, journeys both external and internal,
humorous and contemplative.
Die Geburtstagsüberraschung (The Birthday Surprise)
in the literary magazine "Täxtzit", October 2014
Der Schrei
Der Schrei (The Cry)
In "Die Frau im Zug"
Light-hearted stories from Switzerland
Vidal Verlag Winterthur ISBN 978-3-9523734-6-0
Who is the woman on the train? Is she the driver, the conductor, or the
woman sitting across from you, reading a paper? Is she looking out the window,
snoring, does she have a secret? 41 stories, most told with a mischievous wink,
take us from one lady on the train to the next. Let yourself be surprised!
in "Diagnose Mord"
Eds. Dr. Ulrike Blatter and Nessa Altura
ISBN 978-3-944581-01-9
© Cover: Buchvolk-Verlag 2014
The "leaflet":
Reading is healthy? Then please don't read any further, for fear of having
heart palpitations or a panic attack. This is the kind of warning that used to
precede newspaper crime stories, but it applies here, too. This omnibus of short
stories tackles themes from the medical establishment and can lead to the
following acute physiological effects: goosebumps, confusion, rapid breath, and
– last but not least – hypochondria. That said, here are high-calibur authors
under the leadership of two seasoned "criminologists": Nessa Altura
and Ulrika Blatter, trained forensic medical specialists. Read until the doctor
arrives! For risks and side effects, ask your trusted writer.
Am Abgrund (On the Brink)
in "Sepia" – Short stories from Switzerland
Ed. Fatima Vidal
Publisher: Vidal Verlag, Winterthur
1. Edition March 2012
ISBN 978-3-9523734-2-2
50 authors living in Switzerland have here written short texts containing the
word "sepia."
Sepia is well known as a brown or gray-black pigment that is extracted from the
ink sac of the cuttlefish (from the Greek name for the fish, sepía). Sepia-tone
photos have a yellowish-brown tinge. Sepia is a delicacy for fish and seafood
enthusiasts and it is used in homeopathy.
It is fascinating to see how the term is here interpreted and put to use; sepia
takes us by its tentacles and leads from murderously spicy treats to the
humorous and bizarre back alleys of life. No surprise, you will also find some
crazy love stories here. In one, photos of a cheater are revealed; in another,
a substance by the name of sepia helps one circumnavigate the depths of female
desire. A host of wonderful stories from one word, for pure enjoyment!
Schwarzer Freitag (Black Friday)
in "Voll in die Fresse" – young adult anthology on the theme of
AutorInnengemeinschaft im RRV
ISBN 978-3-902715-57-9 (Art.Nr.: 1260000001)
Fundraising goal: 1 Euro per book goes to SOS Kinderdörfer, a children's services organization.
Der tote Angler (The Dead Angler)
in "Un-Pathologisches", Buchverlag
Hardback edition: 150 pages, Publisher: Buchverlag Krefeld; Edition: 1. (15.
August 2011)
ISBN-10: 3941026240
Familiar names and lesser known authors alike here take up the difficult task
of penning detective stories without murder or manslaughter – and go at it with
much imagination and wit.
This volume gathers the best stories: just the ticket for long commutes,
exhausting shopping excursions with your spouse, or cozy cuddling time by the
You'll meet dopey detectives, hair-raising beasts… experience hot-cold jealousy
and gory applause… while the one-armed man tries to swim in money and an aging
mafiosi coughs up a lung.
Nothing is as it seems and the devil is in the details.
Grins guaranteed – the proof is in the pudding!
Heimkehr (Homecoming)
in "Zuckerschlecken", POETAe-Verlag (Vidal Verlag).
ISBN 978-3-9523734-0-8
45 authors living in Switzerland have written brief texts containing the word
"cakewalk". Erotic cakewalks, stories rich with history, workplace
tales, youthful jaunts, sporty passages, animal scenarios, bizarre cakewalks,
plots to make you think and even a murderous slice of sweet...